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Dog Walking & Hiking

We understand that exercise is essential for your dog’s health and happiness. Our dog walking and hiking services offer the perfect balance of physical activity and mental stimulation. Our experienced handlers provide on-leash walks and off-leash hikes, ensuring your dog enjoys the great outdoors while staying safe. Whether exploring the scenic trails of Connecticut or simply enjoying a neighborhood stroll, your dog will benefit from regular exercise and social interaction.
  • Experienced Handlers:  Our team is skilled in managing dogs of all temperaments and sizes.
  • Tailored Walks: We customize each walk to suit your dog’s energy level and needs.
  • Safe and Fun Adventures: Off-leash hikes in secure areas provide freedom and excitement for your dog.
  • Convenient Scheduling: Flexible Walk times to fit your busy lifestyle.
  • Health and Happiness: Regular walks contribute to your dog’s overall well-being and behavior.
Contact us today to schedule your dog’s next adventure!

Off-Leash Pack Walks

We believe in the power of pack dynamics to enhance your dog’s social skills and overall well-being. Our Off-Leash Pack Walks offer a unique opportunity for your dog to exercise, explore, and socialize in a natural and safe environment. Led by our experienced handlers, these pack walks are designed to provide the perfect blend of structure and freedom, allowing dogs to interact and enjoy their time outdoors.
  • Experienced Pack Leaders: Our handlers are skilled in managing groups of dogs, ensuring a safe and controlled environment.
  • Socialization: Regular pack walks help improve your dog’s social skills and reduce behavioral issues
  • Physical and Mental Stimulation: Off-leash walks in natural settings provide excellent exercise and mental stimulation for your dog.
  • Safe Exploration: Our pack walks are conducted in secure, off-leash areas, ensuring your dog can explore without the risk of running away.
  • Convenient and Flexible: We offer various pack walk schedules to fit your busy lifestyle.
Contact us now to book your dog’s next off-leash pack walk!


We are dedicated to helping you train your dog effectively, enhancing their behavior and your relationship with them. Our training programs are designed to fit the needs of every dog and owner, whether you’re looking for basic obedience or advanced training techniques. Learn how to train your dog at home with our expert guidance and support, ensuring a well-behaved and happy companion.
  • Comprehensive Training Programs: Tailored to meet your dog’s unique needs and your lifestyle.
  • Basic Dog Training: Start with essential commands and behaviors for a well-mannered dog.
  • Home Training Guides: Learn how to train your dog effectively at home with step-by-step instructions.
  • Behavioral Training: Address specific issues with personalized training plans.
  • Puppy Training: Set your puppy up for success with early obedience and socialization skills.
  • Expert Advice and Support: Get tips and guidance from experienced trainers.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Training sessions designed to fit into your busy schedule.

Contact us to start your dog’s training journey today!

Nutrition Consulting for Dogs

We understand the vital role that proper nutrition plays in your dog’s overall health and well-being. Our comprehensive nutrition consulting services are designed to provide your dog with a balanced and nutrient-rich diet that promotes optimal health and longevity.

Our team of experienced nutrition consultants works closely with you to understand your dog’s specific dietary needs. We offer personalized nutrition consultations and supreme nutrition products to ensure that your furry friend receives the best possible care. From raw dynamic dog food to high-quality supplements, we have everything your dog needs to thrive.

  • Raw Dynamics Raw Dog Food & Treats: Boost your dog’s health with our Raw Dynamics raw dog food and treats, crafted for optimal nutrition. Ideal for dogs on a raw diet.
  • Solutions Raw Dog Food & Supplements: Provide your dog with the best raw food and supplements from Solutions. Designed to support your dog’s health and vitality with natural ingredients.
  • State of Nature Raw Dog Food & Treats: Experience the benefits of nature with State of Nature raw dog food and treats. Perfect for maintaining a natural and balanced diet for your dog.
  • Our Own Supplements & Bone Broths (Fish, Chicken, Turkey, Beef): Enhance your dog’s diet with our homemade supplements and flavorful bone broths. Rich in essential nutrients to support overall health.
  • Raw Goat Milk (Ginger, Pumpkin, Turmeric; Blueberry and Blue Spirulina, Pomegranate): Nourish your dog with our unique blends of raw goat milk, packed with health-boosting ingredients like ginger, pumpkin, and turmeric.
  • Open Farm Kibble: Provide your dog with nutritious and sustainable kibble from Open Farm. Perfect for a balanced diet with high-quality ingredients.
  • Farmina Kibble: Keep your dog energized with Farmina kibble, known for its high protein content and delicious taste.
  • Soda Pup Toys/Efeeders: Engage your dog with Soda Pup toys and e-feeders designed to promote healthy eating habits and mental stimulation.
  • Green Juju Freeze Dried Diet and Supplements: Support your dog’s health with a Green Juju freeze-dried diet and supplements, which are rich in nutrients and made from natural ingredients.
  • Green JuJu Treats: Treat your dog to delicious and healthy Green JuJu treats, which are perfect for rewarding good behavior and promoting well-being.
  • Adored Beast Apothecary: Discover holistic remedies and supplements for your dog with Adored Beast Apothecary. Crafted to enhance your dog’s natural health.
  • Four Leaf Rover Apothecary: Explore Four Leaf Rover’s range of apothecary products, designed to support your dog’s health with natural and effective ingredients.
  • Dr. Harveys – Supplements and Diet Mixes: Boost your dog’s diet with Dr. Harvey’s supplements and diet mixes, known for their high-quality and nutritious formulations.
  • Vitafur Barkin Burger Treats: Reward your dog with Vitafur Barkin Burger treats packed with flavor and essential nutrients to keep them happy and healthy.
  • Home Range Dog Treats: Choose Home Range dog treats for a natural and wholesome snacking option. Perfect for maintaining your dog’s health.
  • Girls Gone Raw: Treat your dog to Girls Gone Raw products made with raw, natural ingredients to support a healthy diet.
  • Super Snouts: Enhance your dog’s health with Super Snouts supplements, formulated to address specific health needs and promote overall well-being.
  • Our Newest – CBD Dog Amazing Products: Explore our range of CBD products designed for dogs. Ideal for promoting calmness, relieving pain, and improving overall health.
  • The Rooted Owl: Support your dog’s health with The Rooted Owl’s natural supplements and products crafted with care for your furry friend.
Ensure your dog gets the nutrition they deserve. Contact us today for a consultation!